Starting Playframework in simple way

Welcome to this simple content for the opening of blog series about: Play Framework – a powerful, expressive, and highly scalable web development framework. Whether you’re new to Play Framework or a seasoned developer looking to unlock its full potential, this series aims to provide valuable insights and practical examples to help you get started and thrive in your Play Framework projects.

First thing, you can start to open your Teminal and using SBT to create new Playframework project with a template that Playframework team have provided for us. Type this in your terminal:

sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8

You will be asked about the project name, just put the name of your project here. I put “8store” for this example.

name [play-scala-seed]:8store

The next question is about the organization name. You can put your company name or your own name here.

organization [com.example]:com.sewonlab

You will have the question is related with the Playframework version. When we wrote this blog, the latest version of Playframework is 2.8.19. So, we will just using this version. You can hit enter and it will use the default version (2.8.19).

play_version [2.8.19]:

Going to the next question. Same as the previous question, I will suggest to use the default Scala version that’s provided by this template.

scala_version [2.13.11]:

Done! You have setup the Playframework apps and you are ready to start the journey. Go to the application folder and run the application:

cd 8stores && sbt run

Open your browser (http:localhost:9000) and you will get the welcome message.

Well done. See you in the next post!

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